Name and Object

The address of the restaurant is 98 Peascod Street, Windsor, SL4 1DH. The object of the restaurant is to establish, maintain and conduct a restaurant for the fine dining and entertainment of its invited guests.

Members address & notices

Every member shall promptly inform Chutney House of changes of home address in writing or by mail.

Your loyalty card is issued to you but remains the property of Chutney House.

The loyalty card must be returned to us on request or destroyed by the member as you are responsible for the security of your loyalty card, the card can not be used as a credit card or guarantee card.

The loyalty card is to be used by the card holder only and only one member can use the card per booking or per transaction.

Chutney House reserves the right to terminate your account at any point without prior notice or take action if necessary where a loyalty card is misused of the programs.

Chutney House reserved the right to change terms and conditions at any time without prior notice and explanation.

We will hold personal information for long as you are a member of the program. You may cancel the loyalty program at any time by writing to us by e-mail or letter.

Loyalty cards are excluded from any other promotion or discounts unless stated otherwise.

To redeem your loyalty it must be in date, must not be defaced, damaged, copied or altered. The loyalty card can only be redeemed on food products and excluded from any liquor products such as drinks or liquor beverages.

Members must be the age of 18 years and over to join the members club.

General Condition

The loyalty card must be at present at all time when making transaction and it is a non transferable to any other loyalty card holder/ holders or any other third party.
Chutney House can not be held responsible for unauthorised use of the loyalty card, for lost and stolen vouchers or cards.
It is the members responsible to notify of any changes of name, address or e-mail address. Changes can be made by sending email to or by sending a request by letter.

The loyalty card remains as a property of Chutney House at all time and reserves the right to change the altar of the terms and condition of the operation of the scheme. If we do so we will notify you in-store and on the website on

Lost damaged or stolen cards can be replaced for a small administration fee of £5.

Please note club cards can not be redeemed to purchase drinks and liquor and hot beverages. Other products may also be excluded from the loyalty scheme at our discretion we will display notice in our store and website

Privacy Policy and Data Protection

All personal information we gather is purely for administration of the scheme which will be secured securely by us in accordance with data protection and will not be passed to any other third party.

We may seek to contact you by e-mail to keep you informed of any special offers which we believe may be of interest to you.
If you do not wish to receive these alerts please inform or indicate us on the application form.